Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Review: The Idea of Love by Patti Callahan Henry

Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 256
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  As we like to say in the south: "Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story."

Ella's life has been completely upended. She's young, beautiful, and deeply in love—until her husband dies in a tragic sailing accident while trying to save her. Or so she'll have everyone believe. Screenwriter Hunter needs a hit, but crippling writers' block and a serious lack of motivation are getting him nowhere. He's on the look-out for a love story. It doesn't matter who it belongs to.

When Hunter and Ella meet in Watersend, South Carolina, it feels like the perfect match, something close to fate. In Ella, Hunter finds the perfect love story, full of longing and sacrifice. It's the stuff of epic films. In Hunter, Ella finds possibility. It's an opportunity to live out a fantasy – the life she wishes she had because hers is too painful. And more real. Besides. what's a little white lie between strangers?

But one lie leads to another, and soon Hunter and Ella find themselves caught in a web of deceit. As they try to untangle their lies and reclaim their own lives, they feel something stronger is keeping them together. And so they wonder: can two people come together for all the wrong reasons and still make it right?

Kritters Thoughts:  A Patti Callahan Henry romance story has full characters in a great setting and realistic ups and downs.  Ella has just had her world turned upside down by a man and doesn't know how to put her feet on the ground and then she bumps into Hunter.  Hunter has come to this small town in South Carolina to work on his next project, but upon meeting Ella he doesn't want to tell her the truth about his project, so he lies.  BUT Ella is lying also.  

I loved these characters.  Ella and Hunter were fantastic characters AND the supporting were characters were just as great.  Patti Callahan Henry really creates these characters that you want to get to know and want to see how their arc will go.  With the reader knowing all the things, you can watch as these two discover the truth and see how they react - and I loved it!  

Even though you know with a romance that we will end happily ever after, I still enjoyed the journey of this book.  For the romance genre, if the journey isn't worth it then the story is just ok.    

This book made me want to get all caught up on Patti Callahan Henry's backlist.  


Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Netgalley.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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