Thursday, October 15, 2020

Review: Billions of Besties by Peggy Panosh and Susie Arons

Billions of Besties
by Peggy Panosh and Susie Arons 

Publisher: Tiller Press
Pages: 144
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Our best friends are our soulmates. They understand us when no one else does, lift us up, and bring out the best in us. It’s a relationship based on a bond that can’t always be described, but is always magical.

Billions of Besties shines a light on some of the most engaging, funny, inspiring, and sometimes unexpected sets of friends. In this gorgeous and playfully illustrated volume, creators and besties Peggy and Susie highlight more than 100 besties, both real and fictional, from all walks of life. From the comedic powerhouse of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, to the unexpected camaraderie between RGB and Antonin Scalia, the glamourous friendship between Anna Wintour and Roger Federer, or the fictional ride-or-die bond between Thelma and Louise, this book is a timeless salute to friendship in all its forms.

Kritters Thoughts:  I love to break up my reading with these guilty pleasure pure fun reads.  As a fan of following a bunch of Hollywood people on Instagram, I can appreciate a book that focuses on a positive aspect of Hollywood - the friendships that are made.  

I just loved this book.  I read a chapter of this book each night for a few nights and just enjoyed the different sections and types of friends that they featured in the book.  I really liked the friendships that I wasn't aware of that crossed "industries" and ones you couldn't imagine having things in common.  

If you are into the Hollywood scene and can appreciate the positive relationships that happen then this is a great book for you to grab and enjoy!

Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2020 Challenge: 86 out of 100

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Netgalley.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

1 comment :

  1. I also like up to break up a somber mood with some light hearted reading. My go to favourite is invariable a Jane Austen sequel!
