Thursday, February 13, 2020

Review: Been There, Married That by Gigi Levangie Grazer

Been There, Married That
by Gigi Levangie Grazer

Publisher: St Martin's Press
Pages: 336
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  When he changes the locks, she changes the rules.

Agnes Murphy Nash is the perfect Hollywood wife – she has the right friends, the right clothes, and even a side career of her own as a writer. Her husband Trevor is a bigshot producer, and from the outside it looks like they’re living a picture-perfect celebrity life, complete with tennis tournaments and lavish parties.

But the job description of a Hollywood wife doesn’t cover divorce, which is the way Agnes’ life is headed after she comes home one day to find her credit cards cancelled and the security passwords to get into her enormous LA home changed. Oh, and there’s a guy there whose job it is to tase her if she tries to enter…which she does. Needless to say, Agnes’ husband is dead set on making sure she loses big time, but Agnes isn’t the type to just lie down and take it. In a world of fremenies and hot nannies, personal psychics and “skinny” jello shots, Agnes may be losing her husband, but could that mean getting her own life back?

Kritters Thoughts:  A long term Hollywood couple, he a producer, her a writer hit a large speed bump in their marriage and he has decided that their relationship isn't working for him anymore.  A book that takes all the pretentious Hollywood ideals and blows them way out of portion and for me it just didn't work.

I couldn't get excited about either character.  Agnes Murphy Nash was just a frustrating lady to follow, I wanted so much for her at a few spots in the book and she just wasn't meeting the expectations I had for her - I wanted her to rise above her husbands drama.  Trevor Nash was just an asshole and I really wish to goodness that there isn't a man out there who acts like him.  I could maybe guess that the character was based on one or two people, but I sure hope not because he was just ridiculous.

I continued to roll my eyes throughout the book.  I know it is fiction, but this just seemed like a reality tv show and a soap opera married and had this book as a baby.  

If you love the craziness of the Kardashians in book form - then this one would be perfect for you to pick up.  I need something a little more for my character for me to follow them on a journey.

Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from St Martin's Press.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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