Thursday, January 23, 2020

Review: The Way We All Became the Brady Bunch

The Way We All Became the Brady Bunch
by Kimberly Potts

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages: 288
Format: book
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  There isn't a person in this country who hasn't heard of The Brady Bunch. Whether it's the show they watched growing up, or the one their parents did--whether adored, or great to poke fun at--The Brady Bunch is unarguably one of the most enduring and inspiring TV shows of our time. It's lived a dozen lives, from its original comedy debut and big-screen movies, to the Emmy-winning TV auteurs it has inspired--everyone from Vince Gilligan to Jill Soloway--and promises to live many more.

In The Way We All Became the Brady Bunch, TV and pop culture writer Kimberly Potts will draw upon her deep knowledge of and appreciation for The Brady Bunch and television and pop culture history, as well as her contacts, connections, and experience, to provide an industry insider narrative of The Brady Bunch. With fresh interviews, The Way We All Became the Brady Bunch will examine the show's lasting effects on its audience and take readers behind-the-scenes and into the lives of our most beloved characters, all to document why The Brady Bunch was one of the most groundbreaking shows of its time--and why it remains to this day, unforgettable.

Kritters Thoughts:  I am a part of the generation that enjoyed The Brady Bunch through syndication and also enjoyed some of the extra spin offs and reunions in real time.  I was such a fan of this happy family who could solve problems in one episode and they were dealing with issues that me and my peers were dealing with - I loved it.  

I loved a book dedicated to the ins and outs of The Brady Bunch.  There were so many things I learned - both positive and negative.  I was so sad to learn about Robert Reed's disinterest in the show and his attitude to the creative team; it will taint my future viewing of him in the show.  I did love to read about how the entire team really made sure it was a great experience for all the kids working on the show.  I was glad to see that they put the kids first a lot.  

What I loved most about the book was that it was almost the culmination of a bunch of memoirs and other sources all in one book.  The chapters were sort of themed, so I liked that each chapter was about one thing or another from the conception of the idea of the show to behind the scenes antics.  Readers could almost read this and skip all the individual memoirs.  

I would love this author to do some other books on some other pop culture things from the past.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Grand Central Publishing.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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