Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Review: Breaking the Story by Ashley Farley

Breaking the Story
by Ashley Farley

Publisher: Leisure Time Books
Pages: 248
Format: ebook
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  Passion, peril, and a scandal that will rock American politics.

Scottie Darden is a train wreck. Her personal life is falling apart, and her career as a photojournalist has stalled out. To attract the attention of the main players in the news industry, she needs a standout story with a unique perspective. What she finds is a scandal that could turn the 2016 presidential election upside down. But before she can release her damaging images to the media, Scottie must uncover the truth behind the photographs. She turns to handsome mystery man Guy Jordan for help. When they join the campaign trail in search of answers, their investigation quickly becomes deadly.

Hop on board for a wild ride of adventure where desire ignites, lives are threatened, and secrets are revealed.

Kritters Thoughts:  A follow up to the novella I reviewed yesterday.  I was worried after not enjoying the novella that I wouldn't love this one much either, I am glad to say that is not the case.  To spoil a little, a lot of what I didn't love about the first book was the husband and everything about him, I was so so thankful that her husband is gone REAL quick and the book continues beyond that.

I loved Scottie Darden so much more in this book when she is off on an adventure that seems a little  more plausible and is worth true consequences.  This book felt more full and real and like a great adventure.  I read this one so quickly in basically one sitting, it was the perfect one to sit down and enjoy during the crazy holiday season.  

After reading this one, I wouldn't mind more from this author in this series and may need to try out another series of hers.  

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2017 Challenge: 65 out of 50

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