Friday, September 8, 2017

Review: The Future She Left Behind by Marin Thomas

The Future She Left Behind
by Marin Thomas

Publisher: Berkley
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  One woman's journey home gets derailed by her soon-to-be ex-mother-in-law in a novel filled with humor, small-town charm, rekindled love, and the resilient ties of family. 

Cast aside by her cheating husband, Katelyn Chandler is ready to pack it all in and drive home to Little Springs, Texas. She wants a chance to regroup, reconnect with her mother, and get back to her art. 

But Shirley Pratt--master manipulator, elitist snob, and Katelyn's terror of a live-in monster-in-law--has other ideas. Shirley insists on joining Katelyn's trip after her son tries to pack her off to a retirement community. Katelyn has no choice but to play peacekeeper between the ornery old woman and the proud matrons of Little Springs. Yet the small town seems to be changing Shirley. And as Katelyn weighs the wisdom of picking up where she left off with Jackson Mendoza, the town bad boy and her high school sweetheart, she must find a way to believe in the strength of her dreams.

Kritters Thoughts:  Katelyn Chandler has had a tough few years and after a horrible letter from her husband as he travels abroad for work, her world set into a tail spin and she decides relocating may start things afresh.  So off to the small town she grew up in with her hellish mother-in-law in tow is how it goes.

I absolutely adored this book.  I read this on vacation in one day and it was just the right amount of content with easy reading.  I loved the characters in this book, Katelyn and her mother and mother-in-law, were just great.  I loved that they each had their quirks and no one was perfect and they played off each other so well!  The way each of them grew throughout the book was just right, it felt real and honest but was still fiction.

Marin Thomas knows how to write a contemporary story with heart where you get completely invested in the characters and fast!  I wanted to know about each of them and where they were going and what was going to be next, it is a sign of a great book when you want to know what happens next so bad.  I will continue to be a fan of Marin Thomas.

Rating: definitely a good a read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2017 Challenge: 36 out of 50

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from the author.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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