Friday, February 10, 2017

Review: This is Not Over by Holly Brown

This is Not Over
by Holly Brown

Publisher: William Morrow
Pages: 400
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  You’ll have your deposit within seven business days, just like it says on I’ve put through a refund to your credit card for the full amount, minus $200 to replace the sheets. I couldn’t get the stain out despite professional laundering and bleaching. . .

All Dawn wanted was to stay in a beautiful beach house with her husband, to live like money’s no object, for just one long weekend. Then Miranda, the home’s owner, has to send an e-mail like this, full of lies and the suggestion that Dawn’s so dirty, she needs to throw out her sheets. Someone needs to teach Miranda a lesson.

Beware of your "host"
I wouldn’t leave a review on at all, if I didn’t feel it was my civic duty to warn others . . .

Miranda cannot believe her eyes. Yes, she may be a doctor’s wife, but she needs the rental money from the beach house desperately. Someone needs to teach this Dawn a lesson.

Two very different women with one thing in common: Each one knows she’s right, and each is determined to win this battle of words and wills and (eventually) worse. Neither will yield, not before they’ve dredged up hidden secrets, old hurts, and painful truths that threaten to shatter the foundations of their lives.

Because it’s never really just about the sheets, is it?

This is not over.

This is so not over.

Kritters Thoughts:  Two women, one owns a home and rents it out like AirBnB and the other woman is the one who rented it - a dispute happens and it spirals from there.  Both women get a chance to tell their side of the story in alternating chapters and I would say the moral of the story is, you just don't know what is going on in another person's life.

Miranda is a doctor's wife and being seen as the perfect doctor's wife and family means everything to her, even enough to lie to everyone close to her to keep it up.  Dawn is hiding a hurtful past from those closest to her and maybe isn't her true self even in her own home.  They end up meeting and interacting and eventually combusting!

Let me first say, that this book was just ok in my mind.  Both characters were fine and even the set up of the dispute over a deposit to a home rental was fine, but the story just kept spiraling and eventually went to crazy town and I couldn't follow.  Every chapter I kept thinking well it can't get crazier than this, but it did!  For this, I didn't love it, I wish it hadn't gone to crazytown and she tamed it up a little bit.  

I have read one other of Holly Brown's and I kind of sat on the fence with that book too.  I can't say that I hated either, but both were just ok in my book.  I have one more in her backlist that I am still intrigued to read from the synopsis, but I will definitely going in with some reservation.

Have you read this one?  Did you enjoy the crazy?

Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Disclosure of Material Connection:  I received one copy of this book free of charge from Get Red PR.  I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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