by Meredith Schorr
Publisher: Booktrope Editions
Pages: 244
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: Kim runs the most popular chick lit book blog on the web, loves playing house with her sexy lawyer boyfriend, Nicholas, and is finally pursuing her lifelong dream to become a published author. At first glance, her life is five-pink-champagne-flutes worthy.
But is there more to the story than meets the eye?
After hearing the phrase “chick lit is dead” more times than she’s read Bridget Jones's Diary, Kim is driven to desperate measures, seeking advice from up-and-coming chick lit author, Hannah Marshak, her high school nemesis and resident “mean girl.” As if Kim doesn't have enough on her plate balancing her secretarial duties with her blog Pastel Is the New Black, shrugging off the growing pile of agent rejections, and keeping her best friend from turning green over Kim’s budding friendship with Hannah, Nicholas is so blinded by his career ambitions, he doesn't see that their home sweet home could use more than a dash of sugar.
This is the year when all of Kim's dreams—professional and romantic—are supposed to come true, but will the story have a happily ever after, or will Kim end up unpublished and all alone?
Kritters Thoughts: The second in a series (I think) that centers around a young woman, Kim who is a blogger and secretary who really wants to write and blog full time, but she isn't there yet. She must juggle a lot of things as well as a relationship with a lawyer who doesn't have much time himself and something is bound to suffer.
As a blogger who doesn't want to be a writer, I still enjoyed this one. It was absolutely fun to hear what goes on in my own head with mounting TBRs, scheduling posts and working with people in publishing, it was fun to read something that hit so close to home! At times I wanted to pass this book out to friends and my dear husband, so they could hear what all goes into this blog of mine!
I would absolutely recommend to start at book one in this series, but this is one not to miss!
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2015 Challenge: 53 out of 100
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from the author. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Thanks so much for the review - I'm so glad you liked Novelista Girl :)