Monday, November 30, 2015

November - food family and fun

November was the first month in a while where I felt like I had some great quite nights worth of reading!  I met my yearly reading goal in November and can't wait to just exceed my goal during the month of December!

1. Food Whore by Jessica Tom
2. A Paris Affair by Tatiana de Rosnay
3. Life and Other Near Death Experiences by Camille Pagan
4. The Crescent Spy by Michael Wallace
5. Forsaken by Ross Howell, Jr.
6. Fishing with Rayanne by Ava Finch
7. Sweetheart Deal by Linda Joffe-Hull
8. Whistling Women by Kelly Romo
9. The Word Game by Steena Holmes
10. The Black Velvet Coat by Jill G Hall
11. The Grownup by Gillian Flynn
12. Anchored by Brigitte Quinn
13. Plan Bea by Hilary Grossman 
14.  All in Her Head by Sunny Mera
15. The Wedding Tree by Robin Wells
16. Put a Ring On It by Beth Kendrick
17.  The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum
18. The Further Adventures of Ebenezer Scrooge by Charlie Lovett
19. Girls Who Travel by Nicole Trilivas
20. Where Women Are Kings by Christie Watson
21. Secret Sisters by Jayne Ann Krentz

Total pages read, clicked, and flipped: 5,878

Where Have I Been Reading?:
New York City, NY (2)
Paris, France
New Orleans, LA
Hampton, VA
Minneapolis, MN
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
Long Island, NY
New Hampshire
London (2)

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