by Jason Mot
Publisher: Mira
Pages: 304
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: On an ordinary day, at an air show like that in any small town across the country, a plane crashes into a crowd of spectators, killing and injuring dozens. But when the dust clears, a thirteen-year-old girl named Ava is found huddled beneath a pocket of rubble with her best friend, Wash. He is injured and bleeding, and when Ava places her hands over him, his wounds miraculously disappear. Ava has a unique gift: she can heal others of their physical ailments. Until the air show tragedy, her gift was a secret. But now the whole world knows, and suddenly Ava is thrust into the spotlight. People from all over the globe begin flocking to her small town, looking for healing and eager to glimpse the wonder of a miracle. But Ava's unusual ability comes at a great cost, her own health, and as she grows weaker with each healing, Ava begins searching for an escape. Wash agrees to help Ava, but little does she know he has his own secret he's been harboring, and soon Ava finds herself having to decide just how much she's willing to sacrifice in order to save the one she loves most.
Kritters Thoughts: An interesting book set in a small town that gets overthrown by a new story that will take the town by surprise and affect everyone. During a very fun day in Stone Temple, NC, an air show is taking place with the comeback kid doing stunts in his airplane when his engine shuts down and he crashes, in the wake of his crash - Ava heals her best friend Wash and basically saves his life. From there the whole town wants Ava to heal their family members or themselves, but when Ava heals people, she takes on their pain and is recovering less and less with each healing.
Yes this book had a little magic to it, but it was enough to enjoy, but not too much that I didn't like it. I liked that yes Ava healed Wash and a few others in the book, but the story was more than her healing it was more about relationships and especially parent child relationships. I loved reading the ups and downs of parent child relationships and I am not sure I read a ton of books that deal with small children and their parents and I enjoyed this one.
I would definitely recommend this book and even more so if you are hesitant to read books with magical realism.
Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from TLC Book Tours. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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