by Lisa Winning
and Carrie Henderson-McDermott
Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages: 272
Format: book
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: As Glamour magazine writes, There are two types of women in the world: 1) Women who've gotten a vague or confusing text message from their crush and analyzed how to respond for hours with their girlfriends (But what does this mean?and 2) Liars. Today, where everyone is plugged into social media 24/7, lines are blurred and a ton of new confusion exists about whether or not a guy is into you. As any woman who's recently been on a date knows, no one leaves home without his or her phone, and it is literally on the table or in use at some point on every date. So how can women use social media and texting to their advantage and suss out his true feelings? He Texted is here to clear up any mysteries about texting, friending, following, liking, LOLing, and poking that have become commonplace in the smartphone era.
Founders of Lisa Winning and Carrie Henderson McDermott and their stable of;Bros go through the most common and confusing romantic cyber situations using actual text exchanges. Offering concrete advice, they'll explain what's really going on in each scenario on a practical and emotional level, lay down a verdict about the guy's intentions, and establish clear-cut rules for any present and future conduct. Hilarious and helpful in equal measure, this is the book that everyone who texts, Tweets, or uses Facebook should own.
Kritters Thoughts: Are you currently in the dating pool or have recently re-entered? This book is a must read!
As an "old" married lady, I am not currently in the dating pool and have been out of it for awhile, so this book completely intrigued me. I am not too old that texting was happening when I was dating and facebook was around - not like it is now, but social media and things have changed a bit since I left the dating world. More or less, I read this book just intrigued by the things that women and men face with the ability to google one's potential date and find out basically their whole life story from a few clicks. I love that this book was set up almost from the start of a relationship to the possible end and how one should act through each stage with men giving their thoughts also.
Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

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