1. What do you find yourself rambling about?
Normally about my research, so when I was writing Paris Winter I couldn't stop talking about women artists in Paris during the Belle Epoque - particularly Suzanne Valadon who appears in the novel and is one of the most brilliant and fascinating characters of the period. She fed her drawings which she didn't think were good enough to her pet goat.
2. If you could put your book into on person's hands, who would that be?
Great question! I'd love Jennifer Lawrence to read it and decide that she wants to star in the film version. I'm sure she could do an English accent. Emma Thompson might not be the right age for Maud, but I bet she'd adapt the novel brilliantly. She could direct and I'll could have a walk on part, stumbling about in the Paris floods.
3. Is there any part of your personality in Maud?
There is a bit of me in all my characters, I think. When you start writing though, the characters take on a life of their own and become themselves. Maud initial reserve is probably mine. She'd also quietly stubborn, which my husband tells me I am too!
4. What part of the writing process do you love the most?
The good days where you disappear into your writing and it feels as if you are living the story rather than just writing it. The other great time is during the research as the novel is taking shape in your mind and seems both perfect and within reach.
5. What books do you like to read?
Everything. I read a lot of non-fiction - social history and biography, but I'm also a magpie reader. Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel is a current favorite and I can't wait for the next Ben Aaronovitch Rivers of London novel. I've just finished The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters too. She is such an amazing writer.
6. What is next on your plate?
I'm writing at the moment, but it's at the secret thinking stage so I daren't tell anyone about it.
Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Imogen Robertson for allowing me the time to get some questions answered.
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