Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

A good week followed with the Dewey's Readathon made for such a good full week of reading!  Hopefully this is the beginning of some good reading for this fall and winter.

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney. 

Finished this past week:
In Your Dreams by Kristan Higgins
Halfway to Nowhere by Steena Holmes
Bird in Hand by Christina Baker Kline
Killer WASPs by Amy Korman
Until You're Mine by Samantha Hayes
Certainty by Victor Bevine

Currently Reading:
Last Train to Babylon by Charlee Fam

Next on the TBR pile:
Proof of Angels by Mary Curran Hackett


  1. Wow, you certainly got through a lot last week Kristen!!!

  2. great week for you! hope you had fun with Deweys!

    Here is my Monday

  3. You did have a good week! I got in some extra reading time too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  4. I am interested to hear what you think of Last Train to Babylon!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  5. Missie -

    Thanks for the follow. I am halfway through right now, it is jumping a lot between past and present, but definitely enjoying it.
