Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

A work trip that took me across the country with a nice long flight was the only reason that any reading occurred this week!  My corporate event is next week with 310 employees to help get from place to place, so next week's reading is already looking sad and pitiful, BUT soon there will be some lazy fall days of reading!

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney. 

Finished this past week:
House of Wonder by Sarah Healy
Someone Else's Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson
The Way Life Should Be by Christina Baker Kline
Murder at the Brightwell by Ashley Weaver

Currently Reading:
Rock Angel by Jeanne Bogino

Next on the TBR pile:
In Your Dreams by Kristan Higgins


  1. I think the best part of work trips is the reading time at the airport and on the plane!! Have a great week!

  2. Hope the corporate event goes well. Glad you took advantage of the long flight. Someone Else's Love Story was one of my favorite last year.

  3. These all look wonderful. Have a great reading week!

    My Monday Post

  4. How was "Murder at the Brightwell"? I like murder mysteries, so I might enjoy that one as well. Enjoy reading this week!

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

  5. I'm glad you got a chance to read on your flights. I hope you can squeeze in some reading time this week too.

  6. Glad you could read on your flights! I've only flown once, and reading made me nauseous (like it does in the car). I was bummed! I'm looking forward to lazy fall reading days, too! :)

    It's Monday! at Brooke Blogs
