Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

Another good weekend of reading!  I am enjoying some outdoor reading with the dogs and hoping to to keep up the speed!

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney. 

Finished this past week:
All I Love and Know by Judith Frank
Elly in Love by Colleen Oakes
Isolation by Denise R. Stephenson
The Sea Garden by Deborah Lawrenson

Currently Reading:
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Next on the TBR pile:
What Strange Creatures by Emily Arsenault


  1. looks like some great books keep up the great work

  2. The Sea Garden sounds good to me! Have a good week.

  3. The sea garden is one I'd love to get hold of.

  4. I'm not familiar with any of your titles, I hope you enjoyed them.

    Have a great reading week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  5. Looks like you've read quite a lot of books! I looked up Isolation and it sounds amazing, if terrifying! Imagine never being allowed to touch anyone... Great bunch of books :) Thanks for sharing
    My Monday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  6. I have What Strange Creatures in my piles from BEA...hoping to get to it soon!

    Hope you have a great week!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  7. Outdoor reading is nice. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
