by Kim Barnouin
Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: For the second time in just a few short months, Clementine Cooper's professional reputation hinges on one restaurant review. Clementine's No Crap Cafe, is poised to score the Holy Grail of publicity, a mention in the New York Times Sunday travel section, if Clem's veggietastic lasagna can bowl over the food critic.
Clem has no time for distractions. Or surprises. But when her meat-eating millionaire boyfriend Zach Jeffries shocks her with a sweet and romantic marriage proposal, of course she says yes! Now she has to plan the most important menu of her life while fending off her domineering future mother-in-law's extravagant plans for the wedding.
As if there wasn't enough on her plate, Clem decides to open a second restaurant on her parents' farm, Clem's No Crap Outpost, against Zach's advice. Just when she needs his support the most, Zach grows distant. The only person who really seems to understand is Clem's friend and biggest competition, the cute vegan chef Alexander Orr. Putting out fires in the kitchen is easy, but in her relationship? Suddenly, her time with Alexander feels . . . hotter . . . than usual, and Clem starts to wonder if the charming carnivore she's engaged to is really the man she should spend her life with.
Kritters Thoughts: A sequel, so we return to Clem and she is in a relationship with a meat eating, restaurant owning guy named Zach. She has just opened her restaurant, so this book opens with her still establishing it - I am glad that this book didn't focus solely on her love life, she still had her work life also. Their story felt real and I love when authors can make a fictional up and down relationship feel very true. I am on board for this series and hope she keeps writing fiction!
Although I may never be able to live the Skinny Bitch lifestyle, I love these fiction books as they remind me of all the crap food that I consume and to hopefully get a little more in check, while at the same time enjoying a fictional tale and not feel like I am being yelled at by their cookbooks and things.
As this was a sequel, there was definitely back story to be had, but the author did include quite a bit of the storyline from the first book in this one. It made me feel like you could almost read this one on its own, but you would miss some of the details.
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Ebook 2014 Challenge: 28 out of 100
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from Edelweiss. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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