by Sara Shepard
Publisher: 320
Pages: Harper
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: The series follows one of the most prestigious and wealthy families on the Upper East Side who have built their entire fortune on the business of diamonds.
Due to a clause the grandfather placed in his will, only his granddaughters are set to inherit his massive fortune…these are the heiresses. After the death of their cousin, the remaining heiresses try to figure out if the family curse is real or not, and if not, who killed their cousin, and more importantly, which one of them is next on the hit list?
Kritters Thoughts: A family that reminded me of the Kennedy's has a diamond empire in New York City and with 5 female cousins ready to take over the business, there must be drama as it always does! The family must deal with a curse that has plagued them and members are killed in mysterious ways.
The feel of New York was amazing in this book, I almost wish I was in New York when I read it! (When this review goes up, I will be in New York for BEA!) I loved how these cousins almost felt like sisters and neither were fighting for each other's role in the company, but instead they were banded together to get to the bottom of the curse. I loved the drama and the final twist at the end was pitch perfect.
From the author of Pretty Little Liars, I went in knowing that she does a good job of twists and turns, but didn't know if this would feel adult or more YA - I was pleasantly surprised with her characters and how adult they felt. If you were a reader of the Pretty Little Liars and have graduated beyond that age group, this book is perfect for you to pick up next.
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from TLC Book Tours. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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