by Michele Gorman
Pages: 323
Format: ebook
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: Bella's career and relationship are her life's foundationwear: not glamorous and perhaps a bit binding, but supportive enough... until she realizes that they are not enough. Her life is sagging badly. She's never been in love with her boyfriend, despite a decade together. And somehow she stopped being a musician-with-a-day-job and became a consultant-who-was-musical. So she takes a terrifying leap of faith, leaving her relationship and resolving to follow her musical dreams no matter what.
Unfortunately, the life you walk away from doesn't always let you walk away.
Kritters Thoughts: An American woman has been living in London trying to make it as a singer while in a less than amazing relationship and working full time as a consultant; over the course of a year things unravel and she must find where her true passions lie. The ups and downs of her relationships were entertaining, but at some point I was ready for her to find a sliver of happiness and thankfully it happened right when I wanted it to!
I absolutely adored that the characters were not given names unless and until they were significant in the book. Instead they were nicknamed by some large quality about themselves. This reminded me of the times I lived in Charlotte with one of my best friends and him and I would nickname each other's current flings in one way or another! To this day, I am upset that we didn't write some of these things down because some of them were quite good!
A great chick lit book for those who may not be absolute fans of books set in London, because told through an American's eyes, the "britishness" of it wasn't as much in your face as I have read in other "London" books. The characters were great and I definitely found myself rooting for the main character.
Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Ebook 2013 Challenge: 33 out of 50
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one copy of this book free of charge from Notting Hill Press. I was not required to write a positive review in exchange for receipt of the book; rather, the opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Sometimes you need a good light read :) Stopping by from the link up, Here's my Monday post if you'd like to stop by.