1. What do you find yourself rambling about?
At first the Englishman in me thought this might be a question about hiking! Right now I tend to ramble on and on about the state of veterinary medicine. How there are too many vets, too many veterinary schools and too much college debt for not enough pay. It's our profession's dirty little secret.
2. How did you go from being a veterinarian to an author? What was the journey like?
All veterinarians have a story to tell. Think about it, every day we are faced with sick animals and their variously demanding, quirky, passionate but always dedicated owners. Every day there's a mix of heartwarming, heartrending, hilarious material. There's a conflict, mystery, intrigue, and passion. What more could a writer ask for? I'm still a full time veterinary surgeon. Writing is something I do when I'm not at the hospital. When it comes to animal, especially vet books, no one can touch James Herriot. All I can try to do is show that the scenery may have changed and we have a lot more special effects, but the essence of the script and the characters remains the same. I'm still on the journey to becoming a half-way decent writer. And like most writers, I find the best part is the fun of trying to get there.
3. If you could put your book into one person's hands, who would that be?
If I keep my eyes closed and stay for a few seconds in a dream world, I'd love "The Patron Saint of Lost Dogs" to get in the hands of a producer who saw the book's potential as a TV series or a movie. Hey, I said dream world!
4. What is your favorite part of the writing process?
The best part of the writing is discovering a way to make the plot work, to convey the essence of a character in a phrase or a description, to connect a witty piece of dialogue. Getting that first draft polished off and seeing it wing it's way to the editor.
5. What is next on your plate?
Currently I'm finishing off the sequel to "The Patron Saint of Lost Dogs," a book that carries on precisely where we left off, which should be out this time next year.
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