Publisher: Atria books
Pages: 416
Format: book
Buy the Book: Amazon
Goodreads: "Happily ever after isn't always what you expect..."Polly Atkins, a Londoner living in New York City, is headed back across the pond for her wedding, a grand affair that has her older sister, Bella, in a whirlwind of excitement. Bella can't wait to take over the wedding plans--and neither can Polly's best friend, Grace, whose life as a wife, housekeeper, and mother is making her feel older than her twenty-eight years. She's desperate to see Polly settle down in the same city--and the same life.
The only one who isn't bursting with enthusiasm is Polly. Which is why, before things can get any more chaotic, she calls the whole thing off and lets go of the most perfect man on the planet. There's no way that Polly is going to tell anyone why she's changed her mind. Some secrets are best kept hidden. But Grace and Bella are determined to get Polly and her fiance back together if it's the last thing they do. After all, solving someone else's problems has got to be better than dealing with your own. . . .
Kritters Thoughts: Two sisters and one best friend each take turns telling this story of how one moment in time can change lives forever and how forgiveness can take such a big role in how we operate on a daily basis. The men in this book were mostly unappealing, so if you are looking for a swoon worthy character, there was only one in my book that I wanted to hear more and more about! The three different women were all going through a struggle that most women can relate to - starting a family, a struggling marriage, and hesitant to commitment - I loved the authors approach to each and thought she presented them each fairly.
These characters were all entertaining, but I sure wanted to smack a few upside the head every so often, if only I could have given them a call and told them what I saw from the outside looking in!
There is quite a lot of infidelity in this book and being a newlywed, it was kind of hard to read. I am still in the blissful stage that life will always be roses and the harsh reminder that there are ups and downs was off putting. Don't get me wrong though, I was not rooting for the "victim" in that marriage, he wasn't guiltless and innocent either.
Set in London, this book wasn't too "Londony", so if you are hesitant to read a book set across the pond, this book was pretty tame in its London references. Overall a great chick lit that could entertain any crowd. And for being a chick lit, it had quite a few turns that were unexpected and quite enjoyable.
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

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