1. What do you find yourself rambling about?
My books. Other people's books. Books that I haven't mentioned yet. :)
2. Are there characteristics of yourself in either of your characters - Jake or Emily?
Yes, in both. Jake's feelings towards his dad in Sweetness very much resemble my feelings towards my alcoholic father. As for Emily, we have similar taste in music, food, and boys to name a few. ;)
3. What has been the most exciting part about putting your books out into the public?
Getting feedback! I love hearing the variety of responses to my books.
4. What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Writing that first draft and finishing with a final draft. I love how I start with a simple idea and by the end, have a finished product.
5. What is next on your plate?
Up next for me? Well, I'm working on Don't Panic, in which the main character has anxiety as I do. I'm working on a paranormal romance with Elizabeth Waldie, as well.
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