Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (49)

A crazy week - one book holiday gift exchange, one book club meeting, one cookie exchange, a Capitals Game, a craft show and a music Winterfest.  It made for little reading time, but a good week to get into the Christmas spirit.

My week was so crazy that I didn't do this post last week in anticipation for a week that would be quite the busy one!

Did anyone else have a crazy week that took you away from your books?

Finished over the last two weeks:
Cobwebs of Time by Tessa Jones
Shades of Gray by Andy Holloman
Chocolicious by Geraldine Solon
The Call by Yannick Murphy
Georgia's Kitchen by Jenny Nelson
The Daughter She Used to Be by Rosalind Noonan
One Pink Line by Dina Silver
Any Color But Beige by Catherine Larose

Books Currently Reading:
A New Prospect by Wayne Zurl

Next off the TBR pile:
Deadly Reunion by Amy Manemann


  1. My week was also crazy so I barely got anything read! I'm hoping this week will be much better

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. You had a crazy week but got a lot of reading done also, well done.

  3. You got a lot of reading done especially with a crazy week. Hope this week is good too.

  4. You did awesome the last two weeks! I did struggle finding reading time but did a little better this week and am on the verge of finishing several.

  5. My week was crazy too but I'm now officially on vacation and I'm starting to wonder if I'll complete the GoodReads challenge. Come see what I'm reading.

  6. I know what you mean my finals were last week and it was definetely hectic, but now I should be able to read a lot more books since I am on vacation.

  7. I've not had much readnig time lately either...
    Here’s my It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?. :)

  8. Your week sounds hectic! My crazy week was Thanksgiving and then the calm before the Christmas storm - a few airport runs & family visits!

  9. For a week when you've had a lot going on you seemed to finish a lot. I've been slow lately.

  10. Wow! It does sound like you had a wacky week! It also sounds like a lot of fun! good luck on the reading this week! :)

  11. All new titles for me, I had a crazy week last week too!
