Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (43)

Another Monday has come and another week at work will begin, this one should be on the crazy side as the retreat is being packed up and becoming history, while my real full time job - the assistant is in full swing with lots of travel and events going on!

A meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Finished this past week: a good pile thanks to the read a thon!
Cherished by Kim Cash Tate
Impaled on the Horns of the Devil by Barbara Boatright
Malled by Caitlin Kelly
The Sweet By and By by Sara Evans
Come Back to Me by Melissa Foster 

Currently Reading:
Triangles by Ellen Hopkins

Next on the TBR pile:
It's a Waverly Life by Maria Murnane


  1. I expected so much more from Triangles, look forward to your thoughts.

    I have to read Come Back to me in Nov, look forward to it.

    Did you enjoy Sweet By and By? I want to go back to it.

  2. Sounds like some great titles! I hope you are enjoying Triangles

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  3. I did a different read-a-thon but it sure helped me get caught up.

    Here's my week:



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