Kritters Thoughts: Another great set of books in the Pretty Little Liars series. To make it short and sweet - I felt that at the end of Wanted it had come to a great conclusion, so I did some research. I found that this was to be the end of the series. Apparently as the tv show gained attention 3 books were added to the end of the series, so I decided to end my reading at book 8 - Wanted.
In conclusion of the series, I absolutely loved it. It was perfect to read by the pool during the summer, nice and easy reading.
In conclusion of the series, I absolutely loved it. It was perfect to read by the pool during the summer, nice and easy reading.
Wanted pages: 261
July-Sept 2011 Challenge: Heartless: Starstruck
Wanted: Going Paperpless
I haven't read anything in this series but I always admire the books when picking out stuff for my The Boy. Of course, he wouldn't be into them and The Girl is too young for them but they sure look interesting.