Upper East Side socialite Daisy Greenbaum is accustomed to the finer things - designer clothes, summers in the Hamptons, elite private school educations for their daughters, and a staggeringly exclusive Park Avenue apartment. But Daisy finds her well-heeled lifestyle on precarious footing after her husband, master of the universe Dick Greenbaum, learns about some shady dealings that threaten his position at The Bank.
Daisy refuses to allow her family to slip down the social ladder, so she devises a madcap plan: Anyone who jeopardizes her place at the top will simply have to be dispatched - six feet under. From Dick's arrogant boss to his scheming former mistress to a pair of nosy bloggers, Daisy's hit list is a who's who of big names with even bigger secrets. But with the body count rising as the Dow Jones falls, can Daisy really get away with murder?
Kritters Thoughts: From the description of this book, I was excited to add it to my review pile. But after reading it, I am not so sure about it. With the excessive financial talk and the crazy lady killing, I just didn't enjoy it. I would put it in the genre of dark comedy and although some may enjoy it - not really my thing.
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