A behaviorist. A techno-wizard. An intuitive. A former Navy SEAL. Unconvential operatives. All with unique talents and reasons for joining Casey's group.
Able to accurately read people after the briefest encounter, Casey picks up signs of a nervous spouse, a guilty conscience, a nanny that hides on her cell. She watches as secrets creep into the open.
But time is running out, and the authorities are bound by the legal system. Not Casey's team. For they know that the difference between Krissy's coming back alive and disappearing forever could be as small as a suspect's rapid breathing, or as deep as Hope's dark family history.
Kritters Thoughts: Another great thriller that kept me turning pages until the end. Although, with this one I think I found the perp a little ahead of when I wanted because I was able to put the pieces together as they came instead of all at the end. I will not spoil the book because I think that it was semi easy to come to the conclusion as to who was a part of the crime.
A story wrapped around this family with a mom and dad who aren't the most attentive parents due to their high stress full time jobs find themselves looking for their daughter who has been kidnapped. The twist is the mother herself had a twin that was kidnapped at the early age of 6 years old. I loved the eeriness that kidnapping happened twice in this woman's life and how ironic that her name is Hope.
A psychological thriller that made me wonder how it was done instead of who because I cracked the code! I would pass this book along to those who enjoy the thrillers, no gore or mess, just a who dun it!
Pages: 400
Cover Challenge Jan-March: 1,000th Day of School
I really enjoyed this one too. Maybe it was meant for us to figure out, you think?