Thursday, June 30, 2011
Giveaway: The Wedding Writer by Susan Schneider
It's your lucky day - I have just been advised that one lucky follower could win a copy of The Wedding Writer by Susan Schneider. Just fill out the form below for your entry.
Contest to end July 11th.
The Ramble: Library Sale
Here is a vlog with pictures below to share the load I came home with:
The Lucky Ones by Rachel Cusk
Emotionally Weird by Kate Atkinson
The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank
Hello Goodbye by Emily Chenoweth
Another Thing to Fall by Laura Lippman
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
Envy by Anna Godbersen
Rumors by Anna Godbersen
Splendor by Anna Godbersen
Lust, Loating and a Little Lip Gloss by Kyra Davis
Prayers and Lies by Sherri Wood Emmons
The Doctor's Wife by Elizabeth Brundage
One True Theory of Love by Laura Fitzgerald
Airhead by Meg Cabot
The Condition by Jennifer Haigh
Devil's Corner by Lisa Scottoline
In a Heartbeat by Rosalind Noonan
The New Yorkers by Cathleen Schine
Beyond Summer by Lisa Wingate
Defiance by Carole Maso
I spent 42 bucks, but the sticker price would have totaled over $390!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Guest Post - Susan Schneider autho of The Wedding Writer

Ambitious Women, Yay or Nay?
The main character in The Wedding Writer, Lucky burns bright with pure ambition. At first it seemed that this would be a problem with selling the book. My agent loved the writing, but she didn't love Lucky. "Gee, can't you make her just a little nicer?" she asked plaintively. So I did - but not enough for my editor at St Martins. "Nope," she said. "Lucky isn't sympathetic enough." I saw their point - Lucky is a tough cookie - but then I was in a dilemma. How could I make her more likable but keep true to the kind of character I knew she had to be?
I decided that I could deepen Lucky so that the reader could understand her if not want to invite her to brunch. I wanted readers to see where Lucky was coming from, how she got to be the person she was, and so I worked really hard on a section about her visit to her family in Christmas. I wanted the reader to think "Ah ha, now I get it!" Overall , I'm glad I rethought Lucky, because I myself ended up liking her (and understanding her) a lot more.
I admit she isn't the easiest character in the world to warm up to; however, after working for many years in women's magazines, of which bridal is a very big part, I know that you have to be tough, especially if you come to the industry without connections. Then you have to fight even harder, and you have to steel yourself to take disappointment on the chin. And this s truer more now that ever, when jobs are scarce and getting scarcer.
Having said this, I still think that people often have a problem with ambitious women - even in these post-feminist days. As a single mom, I've been plenty torn about it: how much did I give to my job and how much to my daughter? And hey, how about me?
I've been Lucky myself and I've been the opposite of Lucky. But I admire my girl's ambitions, if not all her methods. I see where she's coming from. Sometimes my heart really goes out to her - I hope that when she finally reaches the top, it won't be too lonely. More than that, I hope she has a second chapter filled with love.
Check out my review yesterday of The Wedding Writer here on the blog.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Review: The Wedding Writer by Susan Schneider

Lucky Quinn writes up weddings for one of the hottest bridal magazines. And it wasn't easy to get there. From humble beginnings, she outsmarted her way into the center of New York's glamorous magazine industry - making up for her background with a sharp mind, whip-thin physique, and ceaseless ambition.
Then, in one day, her life is utterly transformed; two of the magazine's major competitors fold, and Lucky is named Editor-in-Chief, replacing the formidable, but aging Grace Ralston, who had been at the magazine's helm from day one. Grace taught Lucky everything she knows, but now it seems that she taught her to well . . .
Kritters Thoughts: A great girlie chick lit to get an insider's look into the magazine world and more specifically the bridal magazine world. I absolutely adored that at the center of this book were women who held powerful positions and took the reigns on the professional lives. Ironic, that only one of the main characters was in a successful marriage with child.
Being a woman who always wanted to be in the working world and never seeing myself as the stay at home mom - nothing wrong with that role, my mom was an excellent CEO of the household - I just don't see myself as handling that kind of a job! I loved reading a book where women are in a professional situation and are succeeding. The interactions between women in the workforce is unique, as we are a more feeling gender, in the most part, I think it is extra hard for us to check our feelings at the door of our offices. I am guilty, but I think with each year I am in the workforce I realize that a job is a job and friends are friends.
Spoken from different perspectives, it was easy to realize which character was speaking. I think they each had a unique voice that made for a full story to be told. From beginning to end, I was rooting for each woman to find success in her own way - may it be out of the office, in a relationship or on the homefront. I honestly would love to see a sequel and see where the women end up and how through their relationships they affect one another beyond the workplace.
A great piece of women's fiction that is perfect for a weekend read. Light, but full of heart I would recommend it to any age group.

Pages: 320
Monday, June 27, 2011
Review: Dreams Unleashed by Linda Hawley

Sunday, June 26, 2011
It's Monday, What are you Reading? (27)

In My Mailbox (36)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Interview: Melissa Foster author of Megan's Way

It depends on who you ask. If you ask my kids, I ramble about things we want/need to do as a family. If you ask my husband, I ramble about my characters and plots, and if you ask my friends, I ramble about everything from The Women's Nest and my books to my kids and my cat.
2. When looking at your female leads, do you put a piece of your own personality into the characters?
I don't try to, but people who know me say that I do, so I'd have to say sometimes, yes. I have really worked on getting out of that habit for my third novel, Come Back to Me. I think you'll find the female lead quite different than both Megan, of Megan's Way, and Molly, of Chasing Amanda.
3. As a current resident of the DMV (DC, MD, VA area), what is one historical landmark that is on your must visit list?
We have so many great historical sights around our area, that you'd be missing out if you are unable to visit any of them, but one of my favorite spots is the Smithsonian, the building itself is magnificent, and the contents, of course, are interesting and exciting for all ages. If you are looking for an outside venue, then Swain's Lock is one of my favorite places to escape.
4. When did you realize you wanted to be an author? Have there been any speedbumps along the way?
Speedbumps . . . hmmm . . . I've never called the little people who run around my house that before, but yes, there have been. I have wanted to write since 1990 (at least) and was unable to focus my attention on it until all six of our kids were in school full-time. Time with the children moves so quickly -- although I recognize that while you're in the thick of raising toddler and small children, days can seem like months -- but I also know how quickly time passes. I wanted the time with them while they were at the age to want to share their time with me. I'm happy that I waited to write. I appreciate every second I spend in front of my keyboard and every moment with my chlidren.
5. What is next on your plate?
I'm almost finished with my third novel, Come Back to Me, an international love story/tragedy, and I've started my fourth, Shades of Gray, a YA/women's fiction crossover.
Sneak peek at Come Back to Me:
Tess Johnson has it all, Beau, her handsome photographer husband, a thriving business, and a newly discovered pregnancy. When Beau accepts an overseas photography assignment, Tess decideds to wait to reveal her secret - only she's never given the chance. Beau's helicopter crashes in the desert.
As Tess struggles to put her life back together and deal with the pregnancy she can no longer hid, a new client appears, offering more than just a new project.
Meanwhile, two Iraqi women who are fleeing Honor Killings find Beau alive in the middle of the desert, his body ravaged. Suha, a doctor, and Samira, a widow and mother of three young children, nurse him back to health in a makeshift tent. Beau bonds with the women and children, and together, with the help of an underground organization, they continue their dangerous escape.
What happens next is a test of loyalites, strength, and love.
I am definitely putting this book on my wish list. Thank you Melissa for your answers - I definitely see that children are great speedbumps on the road we call life!
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Ramble - the boy graduates from Police Academy
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Review: Megan's Way by Melissa Foster

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Interview with Jamie Lynn Braziel - Declaring Spinsterhood

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Review: Keep the Change by Steve Dublanica

Monday, June 20, 2011
Review: Declaring Spinsterhood by Jamie Lynn Braziel

Kritters Thoughts: A great chick lit read to break my reading slump. I read this after a few downers and loved the cute, sweet story. A woman who is surrounded by a family that is counting her biological clock for her. She decides to end her dating disasters and become an old maid at a young age. Just as she makes this decision she is having feelings for a "friend" and a previous fling.
A great book with a love triangle - a girl at the center trying to find herself and what she wants in her mate and two guys who waffle between wanting her as a friend or lover. As triangles always do, I spent the entire book trying to decide which guy I would rather and which guy she should end the story with. No spoilers - but I am sure glad she ended it all with the one.
A sweet story that will put a smile on your face. A little twist at the end sends the closing pages into a whirlwind that you just can't predict, but can't wait to find out where it will all end. A pefect book to take on a trip to the beach or pool - the sweet story will perfectly accompany the day in the sun.
Review: Ghellow Road by T.H. Waters

The life of this little girl who graduates and heads to college in the end was pretty rough. I am not sure I would have been able to open all the history and write such a story. Waters painted a picture of a mother who doesn't know how and doesn't want to mother, surrounded by a family that is falling apart with every day that begins. Going into foster care and eventually living with extended family, I can't imagine bouncing around as much as she did. I thoroughly appreciate the constant loving family that I grew up in with very little drama and two parents that cared for me from day one.
A memoir worth picking up to get to know someone else's true story. I had a hard time putting it down and a hard time knowing with each emotion that this story was someone's history.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
It's Monday, What are you Reading? (26)

Saturday, June 18, 2011
In My Mailbox (35)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Review: Ordinary Beauty by Laura Weiss

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Review: Safe Haven by Nicolas Sparks

But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still haunts and terrifies her . . . a past that set her on a fearful, shattering journey across the country, to the sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo's empathic and stubborn support, Katie eventually realizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards . . . and that in the darkest hour, love is the only true safe haven.
Kritters Thoughts: Nicholas Sparks - a genre of his own. Sweet love stories with an added element of drama. I have laughed and cried in every one of his books. I have been made fun of for reading his books, but I will always be a fan of Sparks' books.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Review: The Ten Best Days of My Life by Adena Halpern

Sunday, June 12, 2011
It's Monday, What are you Reading? (25)

Currently Reading:
Ghellow Road by T.H. Waters
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Next to come off the TBR pile:
Dreams Unleashed by Linda Hawley
Saturday, June 11, 2011
In My Mailbox (34)
Review: Skipping a Beat by Sarah Pekkanen

But one day Michael stands up at the head of the table in his company's boardroom - then silently crashes to the floor. More than four minutes later, a portable defibrillator manges to jump-start his heart. Yet what happened to Michael during those lost minutes forever changes him. Money is meaningless to him now - and he wants to give it all away to charity. A prenuptial agreement that Julia insisted upon back when Michael's company was still struggling means she has no claim to his fortune, and now she must decide: should she walk away from the man she once adored, but who truthfully became a stranger to her long before his near-death experience - or should she give in to her husband's pleas for a second chance and a promise of a poorer but happier life?
Friday, June 10, 2011
Review: Bumped by Megan McCafferty

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Review: I'm Kind of a Big Deal by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Review: Easter's Lilly by Judy Serrano

Sunday, June 5, 2011
It's Monday, What are you Reading? (24)

Easter's Lilly by Judy Serrano
Saturday, June 4, 2011
In My Mailbox (33)
Then I Met My Sister by Christine Hurley Deriso
Friday, June 3, 2011
Review: The Great Santini by Pat Conroy