But some infatuations last longer than others, and Laurel is convinced that the Ivy League lawyer is still out of reach. Plus, Del is too protective of Laurel to ever cross the line with her - or so he thinks. When Laurel's quicksilver moods get the better of her - leading to an angry, hot, all-together mind-blowing kiss with Dell - she'll have to quiet the doubts in her mind to turn a moment of passion into forever . . .
Kritters Thoughts: Another cute book in the Bridal Quartet. I absolutely loved the first two books in the series and am sad to start book 4 and see the end of the series.
The four friends with their unique personalities just keeps me reading and reading. It has been some time since I read the first two books and I was back in the story in the first paragraph with little catch up needed. This book centered around the cakes of their wedding business. Laurel a hard working independent woman has been crushing on Parker's brother since childhood. Finally, they are on the same page in this book and their romance unfolds.
Full of love, romance, and all things girlie - these books are a must grab for days indoors or out by the pool. I can't wait to crack open the 4th book, it is on my nightstand ready!
Pages: 339
Cover Challenge Jan-March: Groundhog Day
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