Sunday, April 24, 2011

In My Mailbox (30)

Happy Easter! I have had two good weeks in the mailbox and I know the next few will be great because I have had some great review offers come my way - so excited!! Hopefully my reading will pick up as well.

A meme hosted by Kristi at
The Story Siren.

Gift from mom:
Keeper of the Light by Diane Chamberlain

Trip to Barnes and Noble (bargain racks!):
Columbine by Dave Cullen
When Will There Be Good News? by Kate Atkinson

Flies on the Butter by Denise Hildreth
Singletini by Amanda Trimble

For Review:
The Kitchen Daughter by Jael McHenry
Wear This, Toss That! by Amy E. Goodman
White Sleeper by David R. Fett
In the Belly of Jonah by Sandra Brannan
Lot's Return to Sodom by Sandra Brannan
The Gray Zone by Daphna Edwards Ziman
The Social Climber's Handbook by Molly Jong-Fast
Arms Wide Open by Patricia Harman

What was in your malibox?


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