Thursday, March 31, 2011

Review: In the President's Secret Service by Ronald Kessler

Goodreads: Never before has a journalist penetrated the wall of secrecy that surrounds the U.S. Secret Service, that elite corps of agents who pledge to take a bullet to protect the president and his family. After conducting exclusive interviews with more than one hundred current and former Secret Service agents, bestselling author and award-winning reporter Ronald Kessler reveals their secrets for the first time.

Secret Service agents, acting as human surveillance cameras, observe everything that goes on behind the scenes in the president’s inner circle. Kessler reveals what they have seen, providing startling, previously untold stories about the presidents, from John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, as well as about their families, Cabinet officers, and White House aides.

Kessler portrays the dangers that agents face and how they carry out their missions–from how they are trained to how they spot and assess potential threats. With fly-on-the-wall perspective, he captures the drama and tension that characterize agents’ lives.

Kritters Thoughts: An interesting read that I sit on the fence about, even after sitting and waiting to write the review for a bit.

I absolutely loved the behind the scenes stories of life with a president. All the little tid bits that don't come into the news. As I am related to someone in the service (his photo is in the book), I was aware that there were many threats that never hit the news, but never the personal stories and personalities of each president. How crazy that they were complete demons behind the scenes?

I was appalled to learn that some of the past president's children would evade their protection and complain. I know that their parents put them in that place, BUT if a child of the president was ever in danger it would be a reflection on the United States. As well, to hear that some presidents of the past did not treat their detail as human beings, absolutely rude.

This book could be read by both males and females. I found it especially interesting after reading some books by presidents and presidential candidates recently and living so close to the capital.
Rating:enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Pages: 288

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Review: Wish by Alexandra Bullen

Goodreads: For broken-hearted Olivia Larsen, nothing can change the fact that her twin sister, Violet, is gone . . . until a mysterious, beautiful gown arrives on her doorstep. The dress doesn't just look magical; it is magical. It has the power to grant her one wish, and the only thing Olivia wants is her sister back.

With Violet again by her side, both girls get a second chance at life. And as the sisters soon discover, they have two more dresses and two more wishes left. But magic can't solve everything, and Olivia is forced to confront her ghosts to learn how to laugh, love and live again.

Kritters Thoughts: What a great tween read! A story about a girl who is in desperate need of guidance, so in pops the ghost of her recently deceased twin. She finds that with her sister by her side she can fit in better at her new school and overcome anything that is in her way.

A girl trying to get through high school without the person closest to her is a story worth reading for the young and young at heart. The author writes from her perspective - it was cute and quaint to hear from a young girl what bothers her and affects her on a daily basis. I enjoyed taking a trip back to those days in my mind and comparing my stress then to now - what a difference.

I would pass this book along to my younger group of readers. The older may enjoy, but I would warn that is definitely not geared for us as an audience.

Rating: perfect beach read

Pages: 336

Cover Challenge Jan-March: St. Patrick's Day

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (15)

Another Monday has begun. This Monday will be fun - I am headed to my local borders to see Meg Waite Clayton and then out to dinner with her and some local bloggers and of course mom is coming along!! (More on this on Saturday)

Currently Reading:
The Martini Diet by Jen Sander

Next on the TBR pile:
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

In Charlotte's Mailbox!

A package arrived on Saturday from a contest I was in from a book party I attended at BookTrib for the book Emily and Einstein.
Miss Charlotte was beyond excited about the goodies and treats included.
She will be shopping online later this week with the gift card included to The New York Dog Shop. I will be sure to let you all know what she ends up picking!

In My Mailbox (28)

A very eventful week - a book signing for Jodi Picoult, a trip to B&N, a trip to a closing Borders and a few packages arrived. My piles are growing and not as many are leaving as arrived!!

Check back later today for a post about a special package that arrived for Miss Charlotte!

A meme hosted by The Story Siren.

**no picture this week, but check out goodreads to add these to your list!

Another trip to Barnes and Noble: (blamming my mom!)
Secret Lives of Husbands and Wives by Josie Brown
No One You Know by Michelle Richmond

A venture to the Borders Closing:
Stash by David Matthew Klein
Eighteen Acres by Nicolle Wallace
Hold Tight by Harlan Coben

Jodi Picoult Signing (more details on previous post):
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

For Review:
Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Signs of Life by Natalie Taylor

PBS and Bookmooch:
Promise Me Always by Christine Lynxwiler
Mafia Chic by Erica Orloff
The Martini Diet by Jen Sander
What I Really Want to Do Is Direct by Yvonne Collins

What arrived on your doorstep?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Ramble - Jodi Picoult signing

What a fun Tuesday night!! Mom and I bought tickets awhile ago to see Jodi Picoult at the Sixth & I Synagogue in DC. A fun evening that started at a restaurant close to my house - Mama's Kitchen.

Then we ventured into DC. After waiting outside and chatting it up - we went in and chose seats on the second row.

Picoult entered the room - the house went still. She was interviewed by one of our own Washington Post columnists. And questions were taken from the audience. A song was performed from the CD that is given with the book - amazing.

We were in the beginning of the line to get the book signed and captured a gleeful picture of us with our new treasures.

It was a great night and a great start to a month full of bookish things!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Review: The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

Goodreads: For thirty-five years, Frankie, Linda, Kath, Brett, and Ally have met every Wednesday at the park near their homes in Palo Alto, California. Defined when they first meet by what their husbands do, the young homemakers and mothers are far removed from the Summer of Love that has enveloped most of the Bay Area in 1967. These “Wednesday Sisters” seem to have little in common: Frankie is a timid transplant from Chicago, brutally blunt Linda is a remarkable athlete, Kath is a Kentucky debutante, quiet Ally has a secret, and quirky, ultra-intelligent Brett wears little white gloves with her miniskirts. But they are bonded by a shared love of both literature–Fitzgerald, Eliot, Austen, du Maurier, Plath, and Dickens–and the Miss America Pageant, which they watch together every year.

As the years roll on and their children grow, the quintet forms a writers circle to express their hopes and dreams through poems, stories, and, eventually, books. Along the way, they experience history in the making: Vietnam, the race for the moon, and a women’s movement that challenges everything they have ever thought about themselves, while at the same time supporting one another through changes in their personal lives brought on by infidelity, longing, illness, failure, and success.

Kritters Thoughts: A wonderful book filled completely of the relationships between women - the ups and downs. I absolutely fell in love with the group of women and was sort of jealous of their relationships. The men in their lives made an appearance, but the women held the centerpiece

Most of the time these books are told from each of their perspectives, but I was absolutely thrilled that it stayed from the perspective of the one character. I think that a sequel could be made and Clayton could take the group through their next phase from another person's voice.

Although, I don't tend to enjoy some of the more historical parts of books, I loved how it worked into their lives. They attended rallies and were affected by the history of the times.

I really enjoyed this book, it was so easy to get into and I was sad to say goodbye to these women. The women folk would definitely enjoy this book for the relationships and the events that affect their lives.
Rating: absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Pages: 320

Cover Challenge Jan-March: I Love Books
Off the Shelf Challenge 2011: 8 of 50

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Two years ago, March 21, 2009 we made our move to DC.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review: Dirty Sexy Politics by Meghan McCain

Goodreads: Meghan McCain came to prominence as the straight-talking, progressive daughter of the 2008 Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain. And her profile has only risen since the election ended in favor of the other guy.

As a new role model for young, creative, and vocal members of the GOP, she's unafraid to mix it up and speak her mind. In Dirty Sexy Politics she takes a hard look at the future of her party. She doesn't shy away from serious issues and her raucous humor and down-to-earth style keeps her positions accessible.

Kritters Thoughts: Meghan McCain writes this book to show a different side of the behind the scenes view of the 2008 Presidential campaign - I am glad she shared her story. While I think this book had moments where she was very negative, I think in the end she was able to effectively give her viewpoint as to where the malfunctions in the organization occurred.

Her sass and opinions were apparent throughout the book which I enjoyed because I felt that she was being honest instead of putting rose colored glasses on every situation. I followed her blog loosely and I was fascinated to find out that this was the sole avenue of the campaign to reach out to the younger generation - a fatal flaw, I agree with McCain when she questioned their communications tactics.

I believe her main reason for writing this book was to question who the Republican party is and how they have come to define themselves as such. I absolutely agree with her questions - I was once a card carrying member of the Republican party, but as they have gone uber conservative, I have shied away from the organization. Where will the Republican party be if they don't continue to grow their base with the younger crowd?

I would absolutely recommend this book. A short read that was quirky and insightful into how a family is impacted by a national campaign.
Rating:definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 208

Cover Challenge Jan-March: Take a Vacation

Review: Going Rogue by Sarah Palin

Goodreads: One year ago, Sarah Palin burst onto the national political stage like a comet. Yet even now, few Americans know who this remarkable woman really is.

On September 3, 2008 Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that electrified the nation and instantly made her one of the most recognizable women in the world.

Palin paints an intimate portrait of growing up in the wilds of Alaska; meeting her lifelong love; her decision to enter politics; the importance of faith and family; and the unique joys and trials of life as high-profile working mother. She also opens up for the first time about the 2008 presidential race, providing a rare, mom's-eye view of high stakes national politics- from patriots dedicated to "Country First" to slick politicos bent on winning at any cost.

Kritters Thoughts: In all fairness, I decided to read this book after reading Game Change and wanting to hear from the horse's mouth her experience in the 2008 election. The election didn't show up until the very end, so I will start by saying - I enjoyed the first two parts of the book.

Part one - Palin tells of her absolute and unending love for her state - Alaska. I felt like she was writing a love story to Alaska and writing a book trying to convince everyone to move. Me and my dislike for cold weather - I am not convinced!

Part two - Palin's political career pre-2008 election. I found this to be the most interesting part, basically because she was able to brag about her successful career in both the mayor and governor's offices. A great local politician, I believe Palin made a great impact in Alaska. She enacted several initiatives that will benefit Alaska for years to come, but maybe she should have stayed focus on what worked.

Part three- The part that was full of excuse after excuse and left me feeling like I was listening to someone whine, complain and find fault in everyone except herself. I wish I had skipped this part because I could have left with a great feeling of "wow, she has done a ton in her short career," except I left thinking "wow, I don't want her to be President ever." I kept reading this part, hoping that I would become a fan and potentially support her if she made any future runs towards a higher office. I was not convinced because I felt like she kept pointing fingers in every which direction, instead of looking in the mirror and stating that she made some mistakes along the way.

The book - yes, I would recommend it. I loved reading about her family and career in Alaska. Did it make me feel like I would support her future endeavors? Nope, don't think so. Unfortunately, I think she wrote this book in order to gain some support for some future career aspirations.
Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Pages: 432

Cover Challenge Jan-March: It's All About the (Clothing)

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Monday, What are you Reading? (14)

An eventful week in books that came my way - I have some good reads waiting for me in a pile. Be on the lookout for some fun bookish things, the mom and I will be attending some fun book signings and such. So over the next few weeks, there will be a ramble or two with pictures of the adventures we will be taking.

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney.

Now for what I am reading -

Currently reading:
Happy Ever After by Nora Roberts
The Girl Who Disappeared Twice by Andrea Kane

Next on the list:
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In My Mailbox (27)

Two weeks of books coming across my doorstep via review, swaps or my own shopping adventures. I am so beyond excited about what I have received. Thankfully, I have had quite a lot of time to read, so there are a few heading out my door to friends, family and swapping.

A meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

(sorry for the lack of pictures, blogger was uploading them all sideways, headache and a half!)

For Review:
Where She Went by Gayle Forman
Mothers and Daughters by Rae Meadows
The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin
The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg

For One More Page Book club:
Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

PBS and Bookmooch:
Guest House by Barbara K Richardson
You Could Do Better by Stephanie Lehmann
A Little Help From Above by Saralee Rosenberg
The Butterfly Garden by Chip St. Clair

A Barnes and Noble run:
A Model Summer by Paulina Porizkova
Ready or Not? by Chris Manby

His Lovely Wife by Elizabeth Dewberry
Love or Something Like It by Deidre Shaw

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Review: The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich

Goodreads: You may think you know the story of the Facebook phenomenon, but you haven’t heard the whole story and never like this. Recreating the unbelievable rise of the world's biggest social network—not to mention the planet's youngest billionaire, Mark Zuckerberg—Ben tells a captivating story of betrayal, vast amounts of cash, and two friends who revolutionized the way humans connect to one another—only to have an enormous falling out and never speak again.

Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg were two geeky, socially awkward Harvard undergrads who wanted nothing more than to be cool. While Eduardo chose the more straightforward path of trying to gain acceptance into one of the school's ultra-posh, semi-secret Final Clubs, Mark used his computer skills by hacking into Harvard's computers, pulling up all the pictures of every girl on campus to create a sort of "hot-or-not" site exclusive to Harvard. Though the prank nearly got Mark kicked out of college, he and Eduardo realized that they were on to something big. Thus, the initial concept of Facebook was born; what happened next, however, was right out of a Hollywood thriller.

Kritters Thoughts: From the true story in the news to the movie - I have seen and heard everything about the history of how Facebook was started and the person Mark Zuckerberg is. The news covered everything from a very logical side where everyone's opinions were shared. The movie definitely did not side with Zuckerberg.

The book - a whole different story (pun intended). Seeing as some of the people involved decided not to partake in the interviews, I felt that this book was very one-sided. I think it should have be renamed - Eduardo's story because the author definitely interviewed him and the story was really based on him and his adventures. A co-founder of facebook and its first investor - he is also on the list of people who Mark screwed over on his way to becoming the youngest billionaire.

I would pass this book onto those who are interested in the facebook story and want to hear something different from what was told in the movie and in the news. A great read with an interesting take on the story of facebook.

Rating:definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 288

Cover Challenge Jan-March: From One to the Next

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Review: Savvy Girl by Lynn Messina

Goodreads: Seventeen-year-old Chrissy Gibbons has landed her dream job - a summer internship at her favorite magazine, Savvy. Being an intern is hard work, but the job becomes a little more fun when Chrissy is befriended by her glamorous fashion editor who takes her to all the best parties. As the summer winds down, though, Chrissy realizes that in the whirlwind of parties and boys, she's been neglecting what could be her big break in the magazine business: an opportunity to compete against other interns to become Savvy's first teen columnist. Chrissy struggles to come up with a winning subject for her column - and in the process, she discovers what is most important to her.

Kritters Thoughts: A YA read that after completing I sit on the fence of whether I really enjoyed it or may be a little disappointed. One thought, I was confused the entire time as to the age of the character and the mishaps that she found herself in. I think her character could have been a hint older and I would have found it more believeable. But on the other side, I loved the storyline - a girl trying to tackle growing up and finding herself in the midst of an adult world, while trying to make the most of the moment of her lifetime.

I couldn't grasp the roles of her parents and their abilities to disregard her late night activities and behaviors that are well beyond her age group. Although, I fell in love with her best friend and the co workers that made up the majority of the story.

So to make it short and sweet, this was a cute read that I would pass onto my younger crowd of readers. I would say to those of my age group - a great light read in the middle of those deep reads.

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 256

Cover Challenge Jan-March: It's All About the . . . (Purse)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fiction and Flowers Giveaway

This giveaway is now closed.

Fiction and Flowers Giveaway!

A copy of Faking It by Elisa Lorello and one dozen roses to be sent anywhere in the US from California Blooms - a premiere online flower delivery service.

Check out my interview and review of Faking It by Elisa Lorello posted yesterday (March 15th) on the blog.

Giveaway ends March 31st. Sorry only for my US followers.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Review: Faking It by Elisa Lorello

Goodreads: After breaking off her engagement, thirty-something Andi Cutrone yields New England to her ex and flees home to Long Island. There, she devotes her time to teaching in the writing program at Brooklyn University and making a fresh start. Then she meets Devin, a male escort whose client list seems to include at least half of the accomplished women she knows. He is handsome, charismatic, and absolutely out of her league, but she can't deny he has a certain . . . something. And so Andi makes him a proposition: if he will teach her to be a better lover, she will teach him to be a writer. He agrees, and together they embark upon an intense partnership that proves to be every bit as instructive as it is arousing. For in the midst of lessons in rhetorical theory and foreplay, Andi and Devin delve into deeper questions about truth, beauty, and self, stripping away the emotional walls each has built up.

Kritters Thoughts: A read that I thought I knew and wasn't so sure about in the middle, but the ending really turned me around and I finished it enjoying it more than I thought I would.

An interesting premise for a story involving an academic professor and a male escort trying to exchange services to teach each other. From the beginning, I was intrigued but thought I knew where the book was going and where it would end. But as the characters started to share their pasts and how those pasts affected their present problems, I was hooked.

A twist occurs and I am so glad it did. I can't share it because it made my reading of this book all that more enjoyable. Once you have read it - contact me if you didn't see the twist that I believe made the book all that more enjoyable.

I believe this book would be just reserved for the lady audience - not passing it onto the boy anytime soon. I think I would keep it on the higher shelf, the younger readers may not be ready for the full explaination of what a male escort entails.

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 220

Interview with Elisa Lorello - Faking It

Thank you to Little Bird Publicity for giving me the opportunity to read Faking It and interview the author - Elisa Lorello. The review will be posted later today and a giveaway tomorrow! So come back to check it out. Now for the interview . . .

1. What do you find yourself rambling about?

Pop tarts. I can't get enough of 'em. I have entire conversations about them. With myself, mostly. And I'll bet at least 30% of my tweets (if not more) contain the words "pop tart" in them.

In the classroom, I can't stop rambling about the writing process. I suspect half of my student's eyes have glazed over while I'm talking about how much fun it is to play in the sandbox of language, but once in awhile, I find out that I've lit a spark in someone. Totally worth it.

2. Do you put a piece of yourself into your female leads? Is there a piece of you in Andi?

I think there's a lot of me in Andi in terms of the superficial stuff: Italian heritage, Long Island native, Gen-X, rhetoric and composition professor, etc. Faking It was my first novel, and I figured it wasn't going to be very good. Thus, I used a lot of what I knew as a crutch. I don't need to do that anymore, but there's always some aspect of a character that I relate to. I think there's a little of me in my male characters, too.

3. If you could write a completely different genre, what would it be?

I honestly don't think I'd be good at any other genre. I came up with a cool idea for a science fiction novel, but used it in Why I Love Singlehood (co-authored with Sarah Girrell) as a character's novel. My twin brother, who writes literary science-fiction, thought it was a great idea - coming from him, that's high praise.

If I was going to write in a genre outside of novels, however, I would write screenplays. In fact, with so many of my influences coming from screenwriters, it's a surprise that I haven't taken that path already.

4. What is your favorite part of the writing process? And why? (i.e. beginning, middle or end)

I am completely hooked on revision (I suppose that's the middle). Revision is the blood, sweat, and tears part of writing. It's also the most fun, play-in-the-sandbox part. Once the initial draft is on the page, it's time to sculpt, shape, take a step back, put on a different pair of eyes, step into someone else's shoes, read out loud, try different words, try a different voice, go back again, refine, polish it up, etc. When the process is working, it's such a joyful experience. When it's not working it's still working, but it's like walking around with bricks for shoes.

5. What are you working on now?

I'm superstitious about talking about works in progress. I will say that it's another novel, with two protagoniststs, and I love them dearly already.

Thank you Elisa for your time and I will be looking out for what comes next - whatever that may be!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (13)

A week of not feeling so hot and a lot of work to be done during and after work hours. Planning the retreat for our company - so excited, may be my favorite part of my job, just a little stressful.

So next week should be more of the same, hopefully less of the not feeling so hot!

Currently Reading:
The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

On the top of the TBR pile:
Happy Ever After by Nora Roberts

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Review: The Source of All Things by Tracey Ross

Goodreads: Tracey Ross never knew another dad. Her biological father died when she was just seven months old, so the arrival of a stepfather four years later seemed to fill an empty spot in her life. For years, she thrived on his presence and the trips the family took in the unspoiled mountain wilderness of Idaho. All that changed suddenly when she was eight. As if awakening into a nightmare, she experienced the first of dozens of sexual attacks by the man she most trusted. This piercing m emoir recalls those nighttime visits, but stretches far beyond those loathsome moments, recounting the emotional struggles that Tracey experienced even into her adult years. In a poignant section, she recreates the recent meeting in which she confronted her betrayer. An unforgettable memoir of a brave woman's recovery.

Kritters Thoughts: A memoir that was I excited to receive, but was disappointed as I read it. A story of abuse and forgiveness, but I had the hardest time wrapping my head around the events that happened in this woman's life. At many points I had to continue to remind myself that this was a true story and this woman exists.

As a whole I enjoyed the book. I didn't understand her ability to forget and allow her parents to continue on unpunished and unaffected by the events that happened in her family. They were able to sweep everything under the rug - how?

The other thing that threw me for a loop was her moving around - she moved and moved and moved. I don't know what I would have done, were I in her situation, but the constant moving would have made me go bonkers.

Because I didn't understand how the family worked, I didn't care so much for the book. I respect the fact that it is a memoir and true, but I just couldn't enjoy the book. I would recommend it to those who enjoy memoirs - this one will be hard to get through at times due to the subject of the book.

Rating:enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more

Pages: 320

Cover Challenge Jan-March: It's All About the . . . (Shoes)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Review: Fools Rush In by Kristan Higgins

Goodreads: Rewarding job as a local doctor on Cape Cod? Check. Cute cottage of her very own? Check. Adorable puppy suitable for walks past attractive locals? Check! All she needs is for golden boy and former crush Joe Carpenter to notice her, and Millie will be set.

But perfection isn't as easy as it looks - especially when Sam Nickerson, a local policeman, is so distracting. Sure, he needs a friend after being dumped by Millie's fortune-hunting sister, but does she really need to enjoy his company that much? He is definitely not part of her master plan. But maybe it's time for Millie to start a new list . . .

Kritters Thoughts: A great little read. This is my second Kristan Higgins experience. I have to admit, my first experience was better. From the beginning, I found the story to be predictable, cute, but I could see where we would end up.

A great little story about a hometown girl who returns as a successful woman ready to start a career and nab the boy she has been wishing for since high school. It was sweet and I loved her story, but I felt like I was watching a horror movie and kept saying things out loud to coach her to where she ended up.

I would recommend this book to those ladies who are inclined for a light and fluffy read, where you may be way ahead of the characters.

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 384

Cover Challenge Jan-March: Furry Friends

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Review: Love You More by Lisa Gardner

Goodreads: Who Do You Love?

One question, a split-second decision, and Brian Darby lies dead on the kitchen floor. His wife, state police trooper Tessa Leoni, claims to have shot him in self-defense, and bears the bruises to back up her tale. For veteran detective D.D. Warren it should be an open-and-shut case. But where is their six-year-old daughter?

Kritters Thoughts: An amazing thriller that kept me reading through all the twists turns and ups and downs. I didn't anticipate the final result until it unfolded right before my eyes with 20 pages left to go.

There are times when I fall deeply in love with a character, whether they are good or bad, but throughout the entire book I couldn't put my finger on my feelings towards Tessa Leoni. At times, I thought she was conniving and just plain horrible, but at the turn of a page I cared for her deeply and wanted so much for her to be absolutely and purely innocent.

I loved the relationship between the two detectives - D.D. Warren and Bobby Dodge. What a team and you knew from the beginning that these two cared deeply for each other and were the best of coworkers and friends.

A great book that I would absolutely pass onto both the males and females. A suspenseful story that keeps you reading until the last page.
Rating:absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Pages: 368

Cover Challenge Jan-March: Seasons in the Sun (Winter)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review: Tell No One by Harlan Coben

Goodreads: David Beck has rebuilt his life since his wife's murder eight years ago, finishing medical school and establishing himself as a pediatrician, but he's never forgotten the woman he fell in love with in second grade. And when a mysterious e-mail arrives on the anniversary of their first kiss, with a message and an image that leads him to wonder whether Elizabeth might still be alive, Beck will stop at nothing to find the truth that's eluded him for so many years. A powerful billionaire is equally determined to make sure his role in her disappearance never comes to light, even if it means destroying an innocent man.

Kritters Thoughts: A suspenseful ride that kept me hooked to my Nook for two days straight. A great break from my normal reads, I was swept into this story from page one and 200 pages later was still absolutely engulfed in the story.

A mystery that unfolds 8 years after the death of Dr. David Beck's wife. The truths unravel piece by piece to expose what really happened that evening by the lake. I have to be honest I thought had a hunch and was putting it all together when the whole flipped upside down on me. Coben had me thinking I was sure of the ending and then he quickly changed everything and put it on the one person who I felt was beyond innocent.

A book picked out for book club - now I will be definitely picking up some more reads by this author. I would pass this book along to all of my friends, male and female, who love to read the who dun its and try to figure out how all the pieces fit together.

Rating:definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 352

Cover Challenge Jan-March: Orange cover

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Review: Ask Me About Mary Kay by Jackie Brown

Goodreads: In December of 1963, grief over the recent assassination of President Kennedy gave rise to a heightened sense of urgency to "grab the brass ring now." So it was that on a snowy day in Dallas, a legal secretary looking for a brighter future for herself and her family answered an ad placed by a new company, Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Jackie rose through the ranks of Mary Kay Cosmetics as no one else did. Jackie's successes in selling and recruiting laid the foundation for a cosmetics empire and she herself became the gold standard for new recruits.

This is the story the public has never heard. The real story that fills in the gaps left by other published reports. It is a story of loyalty and betrayal, joy and heartbreak, recognition and disappointment, heady success and depressing failure. Ultimately, it is also a story of tragedy, and Jackie Brown is the only one who can tell it.

Kritters Thoughts: A great behind the scenes look at how this iconic company was started and where it went amongst controversy and drama. We all know the name Mary Kay, but few have heard where it all began. Who knew that behind the Mary Kay empire, stood women who helped build it customer by customer just to watch one of their mentors fall due to promises not kept.

I absolutely loved reading this book. It read like fiction and I had to keep reminding myself that it was all true. Although I know it came from one person's point of view, so there is another side of the story - there must be some truth to her version. Jackie Brown was cheated out of commission, customers and confidence. I couldn't believe how much drama and backstabbing occurred in the beginning years of Mary Kay Cosmetics.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read a true story, but with all the feeling of a fiction read. I think all women would love this drama filled read!
Rating:absolutely loved it and want a sequel

Pages: 394

Cover Challenge Jan-March: How Do You Go? (car)

Off the Shelf Challenge 2011: 7 of 50

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? (12)

Another Monday has come and another work week has started. A week full - book club, out of town guest, some gym visits, and of course some good reading lined up. What are you excited to read this week?

A meme hosted by Sheila at BookJourney.

Currently Reading:
Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts
The Source of All Things by Tracey Ross

Next on the list:
Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran (I know you have seen this a few times, I swear this is up next!)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

In My Mailbox (26)

A slow two weeks for my mailbox, which was quite alright since it has had quite the traffic recently and I have a few piles that the boy shakes his head at every now and then. I did make a trip for a book discussion at One More Page and couldn't walk out without a purchase and a free ARC.

A meme hosted by The Story Siren.

For Review:
The Source of All Things by Tracy Ross
Night Road by Kristin Hannah
My One and Only by Kristan Higgins (thank you Little Bird Publicity)
Faking It by Elisa Lorello (thank you Little Bird Publicity)

PBS or Bookmooch:
Mr. Almost Right by Eleanor Moran
Baggage Claim by Tanya Michna

Savvy Girl by Lynn Messina

Library Sale:
Always Looking Up by Michael J Fox
Breaking the Rules by Barbara Taylor Bradford
Open House by Elizabeth Berg
Trip to One More Page:
The Goodbye Quilt by Susan Wiggs
Based Upon Availability by Alix Strauss