So begins Growing More Beautiful: An Artful Approach to Personal Style, the long-awaited second book by popular image consultant, artist and author Jennifer Robin.
Perhaps the first and only major book about beauty ever written by an artist, Growing More Beautiful: An Artful Approach to Personal Style is a lively, buoyant resource guide to projecting your essence with creativity and flair.
Kritters Thoughts: What an interesting take on personal style! A new approach that I really appreciated because it was something I had never heard or read before. Coming from an artistic approach, Jennifer Robin advises that everyone understand their colors and body before they step foot in a store.
To understand one's colors, Robin advises that everyone take into consideration their skin tone, hair color and what colors they are drawn to. A lot of her theories revolve around the idea that everyone is drawn to the colors that naturally work for them. As well, she believes that we naturally gravitate towards the fit that best works for our body type. I like this idea because she believes that we instinctively know the best colors and style for ourselves.
At times I thought this book was a little to artsy for me as I am a practical thinker. But I loved the overall concepts that a woman should be in control of her wardrobe and shop sensibly. I would pass this book along to all women of any age because whether you are just out of college starting a wardrobe or on the older spectrum where they may need a re-working of the wardrobe.
Pages: 224
Cover Challenge Jan-March: Place (a park)
Off the Shelf Challenge 2011: 1 of 50
I'm reading through this one right now. I'm still stuck at the beginning, but one thing that is really getting on my nerves is the photographs. The author spends a lot of time talking about how amazing full-figured women are, and her artwork reflects that, but every model in the book so far has a flat stomach and trim waist.