And so The Frugalista Files was born. Through her blog, Natalie confessed her spending habits to the world - and it turns out she wasn't the only one having troubles balancing the budget! From the drastic "no-buy" month that kicked it all off to the career gamble that threatened to put her deeper in the hole, The Frugalista Files shares Natalie's personal and professional transformation from cubicle rat to take-charge career girl.
It is possible to get ahead without giving up on the fabulous life. This is personal finance in peep-toe pumps - the empowering true story of one woman's personal and professional transformation and your ultimate guide to living the Frugalista lifestyle, too.
Kritters Thoughts: A hit and a miss with me. I enjoyed the month by month recap of the unexpected and expected financial happenings that occur in a year, but I didn't learn many tactical pointers because I believe that I have already cut the crazy spending habits of years past.
The first things she cut were her excessive hair and nail appointments. Welp, those have never been on my list, so can't cut there. She then boasted about grocery shopping and learning to cook at home - I live with a former catering chef, we eat from our kitchen 90% of the time and I like it that way!! Finally, she talked about cutting the wardrobe down and "shopping" from your closet. Check - I already do that. I have a list of things that I am on the hunt for, but I believe my wardrobe is mostly built and I am just buying fun pieces here and there to add to it.
So, if you are in desperate need of some financial coaching or need to hear a success story - this is a great one to grab. But if you are already on the path of debt reduction and savings you could skip this one.
Pages: 192
GR Oct-Dec Challenge - Get a Job
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