Into his carefully ordered life comes Tess Carroll, a captivating, adventoresome woman training for a solo sailing trip around the globe. Fate steers her boat into a treacherous storm that blows her back to harbor, to a charged encounter with Charlie, and to a surprise more overwhelming than the violent sea itself. Charlie and Tess discover a beautiful and uncommon connection that leads to a race against time and a desparate choice between death and life, between the past and the future, between holding on and letting go.
Kritters Thoughts: A great read that was emotional and at times downright confusing - the author Ben Sherwood would only unload a few details at a time. Sometimes it was frustrating not being completely in the know, but after I was put in the know - I was certainly glad that there was a delay in knowing all the facts.
After thoroughly confusing you, to be simple - I am glad I read this book before I watched the movie. I always like to read the book first because I would rather a movie be ruined and I love to compare how the director's take the book and translate it onto the big screen. I absolutely love it when I have no idea it is a movie and I get to completely make up what the characters look like, this was not the case as I knew that Zac Efron would be Charlie, but I am interested to see what Tess will look like in the movie.
I would absolutely recommend to all who are interested in watching the movie to read this first. This book was definitely on the girlier side of my reading habit. As I will be watching the movie soon, you will see a post reviewing and comparing what I liked and didn't like.
Pages: 200
GR Oct-Dec Challenge - The Definition is . . .
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