Kritters Thoughts: A great book that will not arrive on shelves until February 2011. Thanks to NetGalley I was able to download this book and read it off my computer.
A story twisted among the viewpoints of several women - I found this book to keep me sucked in for hours at a time. I was able to read this in three sittings, because once I started there was no way to stop. A gripping story of betrayal, loss and heartache that are all wrapped up in this unknowing little boy. I loved how the author slowly unloaded all the details throughout the book, so the reader kept waiting for each small moment to realize more of the backstory.
This book has successfully recharged my reading batteries. I was having a slump and because of this book, I am headed straight to my shelves to pick up another in hopes of getting deeply involved in another story.
As far as passing this book along - I would send this book to all my lady readers. Not for younger eyes, but definitely a great read for women who are mothers, daughters and sisters.
Pages: 400
GR Oct-Dec Challenge - Copyright Year Rally (Feb 2011)
Yay! I'm glad to hear good things about it - I just downloaded it to my nook!