Monday, November 8, 2010

Review: The Girl in the Green Raincoat by Laura Lippman

Goodreads: In this modern twist on Rear Window, Tess Monaghan has been put on bed rest for the last two months of her pregnancy. Day after day she watches a girl in a green raincoat in the park with her greyhound, until one day Tess ominously notices the dog running loose. Convinced some harm has befallen its owner she becomes dangerously obsessed with learning her fate.

Kritters Thoughts: A quick little read that was packed with mystery and drama. I loved this little novella - it was a perfect read for a lazy Sunday afternoon. This was my first Laura Lippman book and I am now headed to goodreads to add more to my wish list!

I am a fan of the mystery caper where the reader knows a twist will occur at some point, but it always blindsides you in the end. Lippman provided the reader with all the necessary facts to correctly identify the "bad guy," but somehow I was way off mark. I will definitely be looking for more of these great reads for lazy Sunday afternoons when the weather takes a turn for the cold and dreary.

I would absolutely pass this little gem off to any reader who loves a little mystery in their lives. A great read for most ages with innocence and intrigue.

Rating: definitely a good read, but can't read two in a row

Pages: 224
GR Oct - Dec Challenge: Get Cozy

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