Kritters Thoughts: What a cute and heartwarming little story. I was blessed to receive it through NetGalley and loved every page of the story. Being a dog owner for just under a year, I am enjoying stories pertaining to dogs more and more. I love hearing about other breed's personalities and am touched beyond belief when I hear of a dog's aging and eventual passing. It breaks my heart becuase I know that our pup - Miss Charlotte has become more than a dog - a family member.
OK - enough with the sappiness. This was a great story to educate everyone on the different ways people can benefit from a service dog. In the book, Brill speaks to an auditorium full of children, one of the first questions she receives is - Are you blind - I thought service dogs were just for blind people. To be honest - so did I. I loved hearing how these dogs can be used for various disabilities.
I would pass this onto my friends who are dog lovers, who love stories about people overcoming disabilities in different ways and those who like to hear an uplifting story that is absolutely true.
Pages: 248
GR July-Sept Challenge: A (Wo)man's Best Friend
I love animal books, and this one looks like a book that I would really enjoy. It's the first I'm hearing about it too.