Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Ramble

Warning - this will be a lengthy post, but there is so much to share!!

For my birthday on Friday the 13th - officially in my late 20s - we ventured to Baltimore to be tourists for a few days.

After receiving my new camera for the boy - YIPPY!! My old camera had seen some great days, but with a lack of zoom and clarity, I was ready to retire it to the great electronic beyond. So after homemade lasagna - super YUM - and opening my gift we packed and readied ourselves for a fun trip.

On the agenda - the aquarium and any other touristy things that caught our eyes! We arrived late on Friday and walked around the inner harbor, got gussied up and went to dinner at Rusty Scupper. Super super YUM! I would definitely recommend this eatery!

After dinner, we ventured around the inner harbor again and ended up at the power plant aka a beautiful Barnes and Noble! Of course with the loose purse from being my birthday I came out with two books - both on sale! (to be shown on the IMM post)
Saturday - we slept in and went to the aquarium. The aquarium was great! I would definitely recommend a visit for young and old. We spent our time comparing it to the Georgia Aquarium from our visit a few years ago - they are two different beasts. We then went to the World Trade Center in Baltimore - yes there is one and went up 27 floors to have a great view of inner harbor and beyond.

We stopped by Charm City Cakes - Food Network - before heading back home to spend time with family in town. A great birthday weekend spent with the boy and playing tourist sort of close to our new home.

I know it is Sunday - In My Mailbox day, with so much going on, this will be posted on Thursday, August 19th.


  1. Happy Birthday to you. Your day sounded like a lot of fun!!

    I am sure you have had a lot of lucky Friday the 13th!!!

  2. Friday the 13th isn't so unlucky after all is it? Glad you had such fun on your birthday!

    Cheers, Bonnie
