Friday, November 8, 2013

Review: The Preservationist by Justin Kramon

The Preservationist 
by Justin Kramon

Publisher: Pegasus
Pages: 336
Format: ARC
Buy the Book: Amazon

Goodreads:  To Sam Blount, meeting Julia is the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Working at the local college and unsuccessful in his previous relationships, he'd been feeling troubled about his approaching fortieth birthday, "a great beast of a birthday," as he sees it, but being with Julia makes him feel young and hopeful. Julia Stilwell, a freshman trying to come to terms with a recent tragedy that has stripped her of her greatest talent, is flattered by Sam's attention. But their relationship is tested by a shy young man with a secret, Marcus Broley, who is also infatuated with Julia.

Kritters Thoughts:  CREEPY!  This book was high on the creepy factor, especially thinking about my college years and how many times I put my trust in someone that I hadn't known for a long time.  Julia is a freshman who has come to school with some emotional baggage that she is still dealing with; she must try to concentrate and put herself first.  Marcus is another student who falls quickly for Julia, but is beat out by a man (Sam) who works at the local snack bar who is definitely a fan of coeds.  

There were a few moments were I physically cringed and had to put the down for a minute to collect myself - not for the faint of heart.  I was glad to hear the stories from all angles - Julia, Marcus and Sam each have moments where they narrate the story and the reader is given each of their perspectives.  The one that creeped me out the most was Sam - he was nuts.  I enjoyed when Julia was narrating, maybe it is because I am a female that went to a small school, but I liked reading from her point of view the most.

I wouldn't recommend this to any reader who wants to stay naive about the world.  After reading this book, I would have a hard time sending my child to college without a taser and some pepper spray!

Rating: enjoyable, but didn't leave me wanting more


  1. Thanks for sharing your review of this "creepy" psychological thriller. Sounds interesting if also a little intense.

  2. Thanks for being on the tour!


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